Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 35, School is in Session!

So, this was the week that most of my friends' kids actually started preschool, so I was excited to start our own version for the boys at home!  It's not totally done yet, but it's close enough.  I have to say too, it has been a HUGE success!!  We finally moved everything that was "boy" related into the playroom--all crafts, all toys, all supplies.  Everything now has it's own special place in the playroom, and I am LOVING it!!  For starters, the rest of the house is always clean now--WIN!!  Well, I mean, obviously there is always dishes and laundry to do, but the rest of the stuff kind of takes care of itself now :)  Secondly, it's so much easier to be prepared with them.  I know exactly where everything is, and our daily activities are mostly pre-scheduled!  So, my brain has indeed been able to rest a little bit more this week.  As a side note--I feel like we're getting to that point where the boys are getting older, and things are calming down a bit.  Part of me/us thinks--"Ahhhh, we're over the hump" and then part of me/us thinks, "Hmmm...time for #3??".  So, anyway, sorry for the tangent, but we'd appreciate your prayers for guidance on that one!  Here's a look at the new "preschool"!

These are full size posters--don't let the size of the picture fool  you!  Shapes, Alphabet, Colors, and Numbers--these are basically for Ethan and just for a daily "circle time" refresher!

The 2 charts on the top right and left are essentially  Responsibility/Reward charts.  These have been a HUGE hit with the boys!  I've never seen them so eager to share, clean up toys, brush their teeth, and stop whining!  At the bottom on each side is our "Daily Schedule".  We have LOADS of different options to put in there, but Tommy loves hearing what our plans are ahead of time (hmm, perhaps another "planner" in the family?!).  The one on the left is for everything pre-nap, and the one on the right is post-nap.  We "fill-in" the post-nap one after nap, so that's why it is empty here :)

Here is our behavioral "stoplight" chart.  I haven't quite finished this one up yet as I'd like to personalize their little "people" and make some inserts (happy face, sad face, etc) to help them understand.  

Our monthly calendar :)  Tommy has been enjoying  seeing what day we are on, and if there's a "Happy Birthday" or a "Field Trip" on that day or not!

Bookcase #1 full of supplies and books :)

Bookcase #2--full of MORE supplies, mainly for art :)

This is one of my favorite additions--our very own family tree with pictures of everyone in the family on both sides!  There's one very special orange leaf for little Drew at the top <3

Okay, so these pictures look way smaller than I thought they would, but you probably get the idea!  BTW--the cost of EVERYTHING for the "preschool" (including some educational DVDs and supplies that aren't pictured) was the same amount as sending both boys to Mother's Morning Out (9am-1pm) at the cheapest place in Fuquay for 2 weeks!

Well, after all of their hard work at "school", they definitely deserved a few breaks to go to the park!  I never realized that there was a trail behind our neighborhood that literally ends at the park a mile or so away!  So, I put the boys in the double stroller for the first time in who knows how long, and we "hiked" up to the park.  It seriously was like a hike--it is a little hilly, and when you're pushing 85 pounds in front of you--it was not easy!

Tommy coming down the chute!

Ethan is clearly concerned about what is happening in front of him!

Ethan's pout face--you have to wait your turn!

No, seriously Ethan--you have to wait your turn!!


Other than the enforcement of scheduled family book reading time, I kind of just let the boys get used to their new surroundings.  You may remember from when I completely redecorated the playroom earlier in the year, that I included a reading nook (see below).  Well, let's just be honest, it had barely been used in its intended manner until this week.  The combination of knowing it was coming (from the schedule), wanting to please (to earn a star, or to prevent one from being taken away), and me more or less forcing the issue until it became habit (which took all of 3 days), has allowed us to be reading 12-15 different books every day with both of them sitting in their little blue "boyfriend chairs"! Here are the boys busy at work...or play!

The reading nook

Ethan couldn't wait to take EVERY book off the shelf!

Tommy asked if we could draw a picture of the "rain showers" at Grandma's House, so I helped him  draw this cute little depiction hand-over-hand :)

Tommy did naturally take on a teacher role when we were looking at the posters :)

Ethan sitting in bed with an Elmo workbook from the Dollar Tree!

So studious!

Tommy is building a tower to show Daddy when he gets home from work.  The structure beside the tower was apparently "Goggi's office" :)

So, that was the first week of preschool--Catchings' style!  The week ended on a fun note, with the boys being able to go on a "field trip" on Friday night!  It was the season opener for the NC State football team, and the boys were headed to Grandma's house to spend the night so that Mommy, Daddy, and Matt could watch the game in peace (or yell at the TV as loud as they wanted to without worry of waking anyone up!).

Daddy's throwing up the hungry wolf!

Ethan enjoying a little pre-game victory celebration.  Too bad it wasn't  a sign of things to come :(

Start of the season, year 4!

Matt is giving the boys a little pre-game pep talk!

Tommy likes what he's hearing :)

Okay, seriously--how adorable is he in his little football jersey?!

Tommy cannot believe what he's hearing...Ethan is getting out of dodge! 

Clearly Matt is trying to console Tommy for what is about to take place

Doesn't he look like such a big boy??

Even though the Wolfpack didn't fare too well, we had a great night with Matt and without the boys!  It was a really good week :)

Life Lesson # 10:  In all you do, do your best

This has some tie-in with this week, but more than that, it's just something I want my boys to know that I value.  It sounds lame, but it can be too easy to forget or not think about this simple statement.  In life, you're going to have to do things you don't want to do, don't like doing, and aren't good at doing along with all of those things that you enjoy and are good at.  No matter what your situation though, do the best that YOU can do.  And, I'll add another phrase to the end of that--"as unto the Lord".  As with most of my advice, I have gleaned this from the Bible.  Please memorize these verses from Colossians--"Whatever you do, do your work heartily for the Lord, rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.  It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."  You should always give God your best effort, so in all things, act as if you are doing it for Him--because in reality, you ARE doing it for Him!  After all, the ONLY approval you ever really need is that of God's.  If you are behaving in such a way that God is pleased with you, that is all that matters.  Remember this one as well--it is truly one of my favorites, from one of my favorites--King David--"The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me?"  <3

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