Monday, February 6, 2012

week 5, plugging along

Week 5 was kind of our first week back where everyone was well the entire week.  Tommy was still on an antibiotic the whole week, but he started feeling better around Tuesday.  Sadly, there aren't any pictures from this week because our camera was malfunctioning.  Davey finally got it to work last night, but who knows how long it'll last this time.  I spent the majority of the week trying to get prepared for the 4 parties that I'm hosting/co-hosting within the next 2 months.  I made like 200 cupcakes on Thursday--took me over 4 hours!  As far as the weight loss goes, I stayed even this week.  I'm hoping for 1.4 this week! 

The boys' week was pretty much the same as last week.  We did therapies, went to the batting cages, and had some extra playtime with Grandad on Friday while I was working out.  I did attempt to cut the boys' hair on Friday, with very mixed results.  Ethan sat relatively still, and in about 2 minutes, he had a decent haircut.  Tommy, on the other hand, was not so cooperative.  After probably an hour of trying to coax him into it nicely, we ended up holding him down just so we could cut the hair around his ears--nightmare!!  Ethan also has learned how to blow kisses and actually try to go in for a real kiss--which is adorable and hilarious at the same time.  He goes in super slow motion, leaning towards your face with his mouth WIDE open until his mouth touches somewhere on your face!  Tommy has taken to calling Grandad "baseball", which I don't think he minds one bit :)

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