Tuesday, February 14, 2012

week 6, sobering news

Well, it was a really, really rough week.  On Monday, we learned that Davey's best friend's brother had died in a car accident in Sanford.  Ryan was only 36, and he left behind a wife and 14 year old daughter--not to mention Matt and their parents.   Then, on Tuesday, we found out that Davey has 4 new lesions on his brain from his last MRI.  While we are very thankful that they were contained in his brain, and that they didn't appear to cause noticeable symptoms, it was certainly not the news we were expecting or hoping to hear.  We went to Ryan's memorial service on Friday.  It was a nice service, but obviously incredibly sad.  Then, to end the week, we learned that Davey's boss's mother had also been killed in a car accident on Saturday.  It was certainly a week of sobering news.  That said, it also certainly help to put some things into perspective.  Life is so very precious, and there's not a moment to take for granted.  However, this life on earth is but a blink of the eye in light of eternity.  That is a reality for everyone, no matter what their beliefs are.  God, through Jesus, has given us the most incredible gift and hope in the world--eternal life in His presence.  It is such an easy gift to accept, but what is most sobering of all is how many choose not to accept it.  Christ is love, and death has no claim on Him or His children.

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